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The Thaos - Ep. 50

(My screenshot is still broken but I'm hoping to fix it soon)

So Jim started a fire and of course everyone freaked out as per usual.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Jim cried as the fire leapt onto his jeans.

"Bailey, get Allison out!" Olivia shouted.

"On it!" Bailey replied, pacing down the steps carrying a puzzled and scared Allison.

"Ah!" Jim cried again.

"I'm getting the extinguisher!" Ollie said as he ran down the hall.

"Right that's almost it Granddad, hang on!"

"Are you okay Grandad?" Bailey asked from the other room.

"Stupid fire and stupid cooker." he mumbled under his breath, "Yes I'm fine dear!"

After the morning chaos, Bailey got to work on a second school project, this one about robots. As the day winded down, Olivia (she is the only one I trust to cook now) made Allison a birthday cake ready for her birthday into a child.

You'll see her makeover next episode.

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