The Thaos - Ep. 49
(Side note: my laptop is now slowly dying and therefore the screenshot function on sims has stopped working. Instead I have used another screenshot program so the pictures might not be of the usual quality)
To night is the big Halloween party for the Thaos! A member of Bailey's school organised a Halloween party at the ancient ruins in Windenburg. While getting ready for the party, Olivia poked her head into Bailey's room.
O : Hey Bee, getting ready for the party?
B : Yeah, me and Ollie are heading off in about 25 minutes. Are you still okay to drive us in? I know Ollie just got his license but he's going to want to drink after all.
O : Of course that's fine... Are other people going or is it just people from your school?
B : No, it's open to everyone. Why?
O : Well, I was just thinking, it's fine if you say no but I thought as I'm driving you there and back if, well, if I could come?
B : Errrmmm... I'm fine with that but you might just want to check with Ollie as well because he erm... I see no reason why you can't come but-
O : Aww, yay! Thank you so much sweetie. I got me and Allison matching costumes!
Olivia sped out the door and Bailey heard her rapid footsteps down the hall.
B : Wait, Allison's coming too?!
Ollie rushed into the room after hearing Bailey's shout closing the door behind him.
O : Bailey, what have you done?
B : It was mum. She wanted to come I couldn't say no...
Ollie remained speechless and simply shook his head, laughing at his little sister.
Later :
Ollie : Right mum... Don't be stupid, don't get yourself hurt, don't embarrass me. Got it?
Olivia : Surely I should be the one telling you that but of course darling.
Ollie : Okay, now where's Allison?
Olivia : Damn, where is she?
Ollie : Mum!
Olivia : I'll find her it's fine. It can't be that dangerous here, I was going to let you and Bailey come by yourself after all.
Ollie huffed and went to speak to his friends.
A : Who are all you people?
Dance skills Olivia...
O : Hi I'm Ollie, this is my sister Bailey
B : ...
O : Bailey?
B : Oh yeah, hi.
O : And even though she's only a few years older than me, this is my auntie, Malaysia
M : Hiya!
(Girl with blue hair) : Hi! I'm Arielle. I used to go to the same school as the girl who's hosting the party.
O : That'll be where I recognize you from! I used to go there as well, I left last year.
A : So did I! Which form were you in?
O : C. You?
A : B. That's so weird!
B : I still go there - last couple of years
A : Aww! Your little sister is so cute!
B : I know!
A : How many siblings have you got again? B : 2 at the moment but another due next month.
A : That's so exciting! I'm an only child sadly, I would've loved loads of siblings
B : It's not as fun as you think
A : Listen, I'm going to be very blunt here but I need to say it. I really like you and I don't know if
you like me too?
Bailey nods trying to stay calm.
A : Can I have your number and maybe we can meet up sometime?
B : Yeah, I would like that...
Unknown to Bailey and Arielle, Olivia was keenly listening in...
A : Ollie! Me is tired! Me want bed and mummy!
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