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U/ra*nu-s Heath - R2

I don't know how but I got through again! Yay!

Anyway the theme for this round was zodiacs and the zodiac for Uranus is Aquarius; I based her outfits of the colours which are grey, black and blue. This has definitely been my favourite round so far with the edits and the outfits and especially the story. I have never really looked very far into stars signs and horoscopes and I really enjoyed doing that for this round. Sorry that it's quite short but I hope you all enjoy...

Mature language and themes

This can't be real...

It's raining a ton and I'm outside... with no-one. Droplets fall onto my face and run down the contours, gliding like skiers to the floor. Except there is no floor, only water. There's definitely ground in the distance, green and fresh with dew. But to me, nothing feels fresh and simple. The world seems complicated and I'm not quite right. Oh God, if there's a time when I come to the realisation of guilt and sin, it ain't now... It's not guilt...

My vision blurs and my eyes start to sting.

It's weakness...

I try to swing my arms to wipe my eyes but every movement takes twice as much strength. I can't move without effort. And then the true realisation hits me...

I'm drowning

I stretch out my legs to swim. I'm no where near as fast and nimble as I should be. I see a rock close to me, flick my legs and rotate my arms; I'm halfway when I begin to feel out of breath. I keep on going flicking and rotating faster. I need to breathe. My chest feels as though it's gradually caving in on itself. Moving is too much effort. And for one fatal moment, I forget.

I open my mouth expecting an enlightenment. Instead the water rushes through my mouth and nose, rapidly filling my body. I wretch violently as if this could be enough to get rid of the water that's killing me more every second. I begin to flail and a wisp of long blond hair floats in front of my eyes. Is this really 15 year old me inside of 5 year old me's body? I don't understand anything anymore! The lake consumes me more and more. Before in my final moment I look up at the storm clouds and-

I sit


and throw the


on the


I can

breath again

I take gulps of breath and sway backwards and forward in my own surprise. What the hell... Cautiously, I inspect my bedroom from the safety of my bed, my rescue boat.

There's a storm raging just outside my window. Rain and wind lashing against the panes of glass.

Subconsciously, I reach over to my bed side table and fumble about in my ashtray until I find an unused cigarette. I pull open the drawer underneath and take out my lighter. I take a few puffs and survey my room a second time. I spend a long time looking at the array of items on my bedside table: ashtray, schoolbooks, a small pile of drugs (the rest are on my desk), a lamp and the glass of water that Grandma brings up to my bedroom every evening at 10 o'clock.

In one smooth motion I take the cigarette from my mouth and drop it into the water. I swing my legs over to the side of the bed, stand up and grab the ashtray. I tip most of the ash and used cigarettes into my school bag, the first thing I can find, and head to the bathroom. I place the ashtray on the windowsill, next to the window shaking rapidly with the storm. A sharp gust of wind coming through all the slim cracks in the glass. I slowly turn the tap and splash my face with water. Re acquainting my self with an old friend turned to enemy. I slide the the ashtray off the windowsill and into the sink watching as the edges chip at the same moment. I fill it up with water and wander back to my room. I place it down on the side next to the drugs and pull my cigarette butt out of the glass of water and crush it with my little finger in the ashtray. Seeing how it likes being drowned. I let go and let it live. It floats up to the surface. My phone flickers to life,


22nd January

I embrace the first moment of my 16th birthday and remember that I am U/ra*nu-s Heath and making sure I don't forget that Uranus rules Aquarius.

Ruler of air and water...

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